Sunday, March 4, 2012

Extended Break

So you may have (definitely) noticed the sparseness of my posts in the past few months. I've been stressed with other life things and haven't been able to keep the stringent schedule I created for this blog. That and I'm (shockingly) poetry'd out for the moment. My poetry class has been super intensive, and having two creative writing classes in a row has fatigued me a lot. What does this mean for this blog? It will still be up, and you bet your behind that I'll come back and post in the future. But for now I need a very definitive, nominalized break. I'll post a poem that I wrote most recently for my poetry class that got a pretty good response.

I'll write again soon, just when poetry seems more of a pleasure than a chore.


When it is Winter,

The solstice storm takes the old oak hostage
And straps her to the wind
And waves her arms

Fresh limbs
Fall, fall,
Yes, yes to the ground

A child doesn’t see the end of the frost
She is tied to mortality
And dropped into the earth

Fresh limbs
Fall, fall,
Yes, yes to the ground

And now it’s spring