Friday, April 15, 2011

Dartmouth Appreciation Poem

So right now Dartmouth is having Dimensions for all the prospies who could potentially come here. Seeing them run around made me think about where I was a year ago, and how I had (almost) never thought of being here now. And how fortunate I am to be here. Yay nostalgia. Yay prospies.

Also if the rhythm and structure seem familiar, it's because I blatantly copied Robert Frost's "Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening" because I was too lazy to come up with my own structure. Also it seemed fitting because Frost went to Dartmouth for 3 months before he dropped out to take care of his mom. So.. another Dartmouth connection! So metaphysical.

When from a year I am detached,
Nostalgia cannot quite be matched.
Believe in life’s telicity,
A chance that I wisely had snatched.

Emotional simplicity,
And joy’s unkempt felicity
Could do no good service to sing.
Oh, too much electricity.

A pity to forget a spring
When one answer was everything,
When one choice had power to steer
The way even a cloud could fling.

Uncertainty predestines fear,
A shadowed future. In a year
How did I ever end up here?
How did I ever end up here?

Unpublished Material, ©2011 Cali Digre

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