Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Flowers in front of Oslo Domkirke

My friends and I went back downtown this evening to take in more of the events, especially because it was difficult to do so last night when we were one of 150,000 people marching in Oslo. As we walked along Karl Johan and side streets, and by the block were the bomb went off, we noted the number of roses there were in front of Parliament, the Imperial Palace, churches, fences, even intersections. They were scattered but dense gardens. I've noted that people tend to grieve really intensely, get it out of the way, and move on, sometimes back into violent, insensitive lives, but when they grieve again, they'll be planting roses.

Moral: some things are forgotten over time, but they will happen in patterns.

flowers, you grow as
a million wishes
on the streets, sidewalk,
on our hearts, perhaps.
for hope, nutritious.

i see us relapse,
forget in distant talk,
but the mind still has
tendencies. you’ll bloom
in our wake of gloom.

Unpublished Material, ©2011 Cali Digre

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